Sometimes I get confused whenever I shop, my mom said to buy skirts while my dad goes with the jeans...they are both why fight for it? But there are a lot of differences of it. When I went for the skirt...I thought the PRO is you don't need to worry about your legs going to sweat. Sometims pants just kills my legs, and they're too fit. BUt the con for skirts is that when you sit down, boys will peek. And thw worst is they'll tease you, if you have hairy skin, scabby ones, dark legs and fat. But I never have that let's continue...
the PRO about pants is whenever you're cold, they're useful, and you don't have to worry about boys peeking. but danger lies ahead they look for your figure...yeah, pretty green, but I prefer both.the only pants I want is the one like boys wear....(Tee hee!). Yup, cargo pants...
Chel H.&169;